Monday, May 26, 2008

Today, my family and I had a BBQ for Mermorial Day!
It was fun! My little nephews were fun (as usual) and I had a great day.
But through all the fun I had today, I couldn't forget about the Men and Wemen who surved and who are currently serving in the Army right now. I am so greatful for their sacrifice, I know it would be hard for me to die for people I don't even know. Their sacrifice is more then I can comperhend, and I am greatful for them.
Right now I have two people I know serving in the Army. Clay (my cousin) and Gavin (my brother in-law's step brother).
They alone have done so much for this country.
Clay just got premoted to a speacial rank (I'm not sure what it is, I am not a big army person)
And Gavin is coming home soon, he comes home either in June or July of this year (I think)
Well I just wanted to pay a tribute to the soldiers out there and the one's who surved and died for us in the past.

1 comment:

Tara said...

you are so sweet courtney! you always think of others! happy birthday!