Well, after the game, I stayed with my sister Megan to see if the players would come out and sign some stuff for the fans. A week ago, my friend Nate did this and he got to meet many of the players. So, I decided to give it a try! Sure enough, about 45 minutes after the game, the players started coming out! I went up to Rogers right before he was going to talk with Greg Wrubell on the radio. He was very nice about signing my HUGE BYU basketball poster, and as I was leaving I tripped over the millions of cords that were around that table! I caught myself, but it was still so embarassing :/
After that, I went up to Chris Collensworth, and he was very nice about it as well, e
xcept he didn't have a table to sign it on like Rogers did. So he is looking around for a place to place the poster so he could sign it (again, while everyone else was walking around with their mini sized basketball posters, I had my GIANT one) and because he had nowhere to sign it, he asked if he could use my back haha, and of course, I let him. So Chris Collensworth wrote on my poster on my ba
ck :) I don't think a lot of people can say that ;)
After that, I was able to get Brandon Davies signature! very cool :)
After that, I went to Jackson Emery. And I think he was the nicest out of all of them! He was having a full conversa
tion with the people in front of me while signing their tiny posters, and as I walked up and began to apologize for my HUGE poster, he said it was totally fine and that it was better because it was bigger and I could see the signatures better; which is very true :) He smiled at me, thanked me for coming, and then I walked off.
Emery was my last signature, and after that, Megan and I left to go meet up with my dad. It was so much fun! On the way home, I was looking at all the pictures on my dad's phone, and just grinning :) What a perfect way to start off the year 2011 :) This one BYU basketball game will always stand out in my mind :)